Real Resultsthat are makinga difference
BC is a great place to live. But we’ve been through a lot – Covid, global inflation, floods and wildfires. We all want BC to be a place where people can get ahead, feel secure and build a good life here, but things can feel a little uncertain.
It's why it's so important we have a leader like David Eby taking action on the challenges we're all facing, and laser-focused on making your life better.
- Helping with your daily costs, instead of giving tax breaks to big corporations and the top 2%
- Delivering homes for people, instead of giving free reign to speculators
- Strengthening health care, not cutting the health budget
- Building an economy that works for you, not just those at the top
- Keeping kids safe and healthy, not cutting and disrupting learning
- Keeping communities safe, not cutting supports and wasting police resources
- Defending people from climate impacts, not denying they’re happening
We’re making progress, too.
- We lowered ICBC rates by $500, created rebates for renters and BC Hydro customers, cut fees for child care in half.
- We took on real estate speculators and reined in short-term rentals on the way to delivering 80,000 more homes for people, with hundreds of thousands more on the way.
- We hired 900 new doctors in the last year alone, connected over 400,000 more people with a family doctor or nurse practitioner, and we’re building or expanding 29 hospitals.
- We reduced property crime 50% and violent crime by hiring more police and giving them the tools they need to keep communities safe, get repeat violent offenders off the streets, and go after gangs, guns and toxic drugs.
- We made sure our economy works for people with Canada’s highest paying jobs and fastest economic growth.
But after all we’ve been through, John Rustad’s plans are tax cuts for the rich and service cuts for everyone else. They would cost you more.
You should be able to build a good life and see a bright future for yourself in BC That’s our goal — and we won't stop until the job is done.
Helping with your daily costs, instead of giving tax breaks to the top 2%
Global inflation and unfair interest rates are making it tough to get ahead.
That’s why David Eby is taking action to help with daily costs so you can get ahead. And we’re making progress.
- We reduced ICBC rates by $500 a year and then froze them, delivering $530 in rebates back to ICBC customers since 2021
- We canceled John Rustad’s tax cuts for the top 2% and gave it back to people:
- Eliminated MSP Premiums (saving one person $1,800/year)
- More than doubled the BC Family Benefit and provided it to almost 200,000 more families.
- Cut childcare costs in half on average (saving families up to $900/month per child)
All of this investment has led to some of the lowest unemployment and the strongest wage growth of any province.
John Rustad’s record is clear: they’ll cost you more. In fact, Rustad is planning a $500 ICBC rate hike. That's wrong for you, and for our economy.
We believe you should be able to save more and get ahead. Here's how.
Took ICBC rates from near highest to near lowest in Canada
We fixed ICBC and put money back in drivers’ pockets, reducing rates by $500 per year, delivering a $110 rebate in 2024, and freezing 2025 rates.
Cut BC Hydro rates to less than half what Albertans pay
People are saving an average of $200 on their energy bills with two rebates on energy bills the BC Electricity Affordability Credit.
Saved families tens of thousands on energy-efficient upgrades
We’ve made heat pumps and energy-efficient homes more affordable with up to $19,000 in heat pump rebates and $44,900 in total Energy Savings Program rebates.
Eliminated MSP fees
Eliminating unfair MSP premiums is the biggest middle-class tax cuts in BC history, saving families up to $1,800 a year.
Eliminated bridge tolls
We scrapped unfair tolls on the Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges, saving families who regularly have to cross the Fraser River an average $1,500 a year.
Made prescription birth control free
Prescription birth control is now free in BC, saving nearly 300,000 people about $300 a year and supporting people to make choices about their reproductive health.
Eliminated interest on student loans and created first up-front grant for BC students in 15 years
Interest-free student loans have saved students $145 million since 2019 and 71,000 students have access the BC Access Grant so far.
Made Adult Basic Education and ESL free
Since making Adult Basic Education and English Language Lessons free, more than 108,000 students have accessed programs across the province, creating more opportunities for them in the workforce.
Eliminated tuition fees for former youth in care
We eliminated tuition fees for former youth in care, including for trades training. Over 2,300 current or former youth in care have been supported to get post-secondary education and seize better job opportunities.
Expanded school food programs
When children get the healthy food they need, they can focus on learning. We invested $214 million over 3 years to expand school food programs and address student hunger throughout BC and save families money and time.
Made medication more affordable
We led Canada in expanding the use of biosimilar medications, which cost up to 50% less than the original drug.
Capped ferry fare increases
We invested $500 million this year to cap ferry fare increases for the next four years.
More than doubled the BC Family Benefit Bonus
Almost 200,000 more families now receive the BC Family Benefit and eligible families automatically received an extra $445 on average this year, if they filed their 2023 taxes.
Delivering homes for people, instead of giving free reign to speculators
A home shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why we’re taking action to build affordable homes for people. And we’re making progress.
- Delivering 80,000 homes now, with an estimated 300,000 more homes over the next ten years on the way
- Tackling housing costs by taking on speculators, cutting red tape and breaking down barriers to construction.
- The Speculation Tax has turned well over 20,000 empty condos into long-term homes.
- Bringing in a new flipping tax so families trying to buy a home don’t have to compete with house flippers.
- Restricting AirBNBs, turning thousands of units into long-term homes.
- Fixing local government regulations causing the housing shortage and enabling small multi-unit developments like townhouses, duplexes and triplexes that experts say this is kickstarting the construction of hundreds of thousands of homes.
- Making it easier to build and rent out secondary/basement suites
Rustad gave free reign to speculators, flippers and out-of-province investors, leaving low supply and jacked up prices for the rest of us. Now they’re saying they would cancel David Eby’s Housing Action Plan and the hundreds of thousands of homes on the way.
You should have a home you can afford in a community you love. Here's how we're getting you there.
Cut red tape and roadblocks
We’ve fixed restrictive and outdated rules that were blocking townhouses, row homes and duplexes. Experts estimate the province could see more than 130,000 more small-scale multi-unit homes in BC over the next 10 years as a result of these changes.
Kicked off BC Builds with up to 10,000 new middle-income homes
The first 20 BC Builds sites will partner with local governments, non-profits and First Nations to use public and non-profit land to bring down the cost of a new home for up to 10,000 families.
Turning short-term rentals into long-term homes
We've reined in the out-of-control short-term rentals to turn mini-hotels back into homes for people and incentivized turning available space into long-term secondary suites
Protecting renters and rental homes and supporting good landlords
We’re protecting renters and rental homes, and making sure renters and landlords who play by the rules are supported — and people skirting the law are held accountable.
Built homes for students and relieved pressure on local rental markets
When John Rustad were in government they only added 130 beds in 16 years. We’re adding 12,000 new student housing beds across the province to help make sure students have the housing they need, and to relieve pressure on local rental markets.
Protected renters from bad faith evictions
We’re supporting homeowners to provide more rental homes with easier and lower cost management, and protecting renters from being taken advantage of.
Strengthening health care, not cutting the health budget
We’re still feeling fallout from the pandemic and the impact of widespread healthcare labour shortages.
Communities are growing, our family members are getting older, and many doctors and nurses are retiring.That’s why we’re taking action to strengthen health care. And we’re making progress.
- We’ve hired over 800 new family doctors in the last year alone. Over 400,000 people have been connected to family doctors and nurse practitioners since 2023 — and we're training hundreds more at UBC medical school and the brand new SFU medical school opening in Surrey.
- We've hired 6,300 new nurses just in the last year, and we’re taking action to retain them with better pay and working conditions. Plus, we've licensed over 2,000 new nurses and 900 doctors with international credentials to work in BC.
- We're allowing pharmacists to prescribe free birth control and treatment for minor ailments
- We're building new hospitals at a record rate — 29 new and expanded hospitals across BC, plus cancer centres and long-term care homes closer to home. Plus we've opened 38 new Urgent and Primary Care Centres so people get faster access to the care they need.
- And through it all, we're continuing to cut wait times: BC has the second-shortest wait times in Canada for hip and knee replacements and MRIs (CIHI, 2023).
And the job isn’t done – so we’re not going to stop.
John Rustad already has a plan to cut $4.1 billion from BC’s health budget. And he made similar cuts and fired health care workers when he was in government. Fewer and fewer British Columbians had a family doctor almost every year under John Rustad.
That's bad for BC. Here's how we're getting you the care you need, when you need it, close to home.
Took BC from last to first in nurse hiring
In 2017, BC had the smallest nursing workforce per capita in the country. As of 2023, BC has the fastest nursing workforce growth in the country. BC welcomed 6,300 nurses last year, with more to come.
Connecting people to care now with new clinics and networks
We've opened 39 Urgent and Primary Care Clinics since 2018, and set up 77 Primary Care Networks, with more to come.
Expanded pharmacist care to treat minor ailments and prescribe birth control
People in BC can now get assessed and treated at most pharmacies for 21 minor ailments and contraceptives. In the last year, 409,000+ people have been treated for minor ailments or got free birth control from pharmacists, saving them time.
Supporting people growing their family with more access to IVF and expanded newborn screening
For people wanting to start a family, infertility and other barriers to parenthood can have a profound effect on their wellbeing and quality of life. We will be helping people on the path to parenthood with a new program to help with the cost of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) services.
Added more long-term, home and community care for seniors
We’ve invested in primary care, home health, long-term care and assisted living services throughout BC.
Leading the country with better and faster cancer care
We've broken ground on four new cancer centres, launched new cervical cancer self-screening tests, increased cancer screenings and treatments, hired more specialists and reduced travel costs for cancer care.
An economy that works for you, not just those at the top
People work together here to build our province, and they should earn the rewards.
- That’s why we’re taking action to build a strong, sustainable economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top — and our work is making a difference.
- We've created more than 250,000 net new jobs, including some of the strongest private sector job growth in the country over the last year.
- Wages in British Columbia are growing faster than any other province, helping to beat back inflation.
- We have the fastest growing economy and one of the lowest unemployment rates among provinces.
John Rustad believes in tax cuts for those at the top and cutting services and wages for everyone else. He’ll make the economy work for the top 2% and make everyone else pay the price. We can’t afford that.
We're working hard to make sure you can build a good life here. Here's how.
Creating 270,000 good jobs
Since 2017, BC has gained 270,000 jobs, while generating the highest private sector wages in Canada. In the past 12 months, BC has gained nearly 24,000 private sector jobs, at a higher growth rate than the national average.
Increased the minimum wage
Every worker in BC deserves to make a fair wage for their work. We increased BC’s minimum wage and tied it to inflation, gaining 270,000 jobs with the second lowest unemployment and highest private sector pay.
Introduced paid sick leave for all workers
You don’t have to choose between going to work sick or losing wages. We’ve made it so you can now take 5 paid sick days a year under minimum employment standards.
Doubled veterinary training
BC needs more veterinarians. We permanently doubled subsidized veterinary medicine seats for BC students at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.
Investing in homes, transportation and technology
We’re investing in the homes, bridges, roads, ports, and high-speed internet that businesses need to grow and people need to thrive and invested in clean electricity to power economic growth.
Brought high speed internet to 100,000 more households
We’re committed to connecting every household to high-speed internet services by 2027, to ensure people in every community have better access to jobs, education, training and health care.
Keeping people safe and communities strong, not cutting support and wasting police resources
No one should feel unsafe in their community. That’s why we’re taking action to fight crime, support our most vulnerable people, and keep people safe and communities strong.
And it’s making a difference.
- BC has the lowest rate of violent crime against children and the lowest rate of violent crime against seniors of the major provinces.
- Since the Canada-wide increase in pandemic violent crime, we are the only major province to reduce our violent crime rate, including a 5.5% reduction in the rate of violence against women.
- The Vancouver Police Department says stranger attacks have been cut in half and the Kelowna Police Department says that our new teams are making a real difference on the ground.
Instead of going after organized crime, John Rustad wants to cut health care, homes and treatment, and leave police to deal with the consequences. In government, he ignored money laundering that fueled gangs, guns and toxic drugs on our streets. And he cut crime prevention and victims services funding.
That's the wrong way to keep you feeling safe and supported in your community. Here's our approach instead:
Keeping repeat violent offenders off the street
We’re keeping repeat violent offenders off the street with stricter bail rules and stronger enforcement.
Going after gangs, guns and toxic drugs
We’re going after gangs, guns and toxic drugs, along with organized criminals and their fast cars, fancy homes and luxury goods.
Supported victims of crime and helped people secure their small business
We provided 24/7 support for all victims of crime, including family and sexual violence, human trafficking and hate through VictimLinkBC, with services available in 150 languages.
Standing up to hate
We’re standing up to hate, racism and discrimination to keep people safe and build stronger communities, together.
Connecting vulnerable people with the housing, treatment and support they need
We're expanding Indigenous Justice Centres, hiring more first responders, expanding legal aid services and expanding community safety situation tables.
Breaking the cycle of gender-based violence
Our Gender-Based Violence Action Plan outlines how we’re taking action to support survivors with victim-centered and trauma-informed programs, end isolation, stigma and apathy, and promote gender equity so every person is able to live free from violence.
Protecting people from climate impacts, not denying they're happening
British Columbians are seeing firsthand the threat of climate change. Extreme weather and climate impacts threaten our homes and livelihoods.
We’re taking action to keep people and communities safe from the threat of climate change and extreme weather; to protect our food, air and water; and to build a stronger, more sustainable economy.
We’re making progress. Pollution is down from oil and gas. Investment in our sustainable economy and clean technologies is at record highs. And we’re responding faster than ever to extreme weather and climate impacts.
But John Rustad doesn’t believe climate change is happening. And he’s said he would rip up our plan to make BC safe from climate impacts. He would leave BC with increasing emissions, dirtier air, and more at risk of extreme flooding and forest fires.
Everyone should be safe from extreme weather and climate impacts. Here's how we're getting there.