Seven years of action for you
Seven years ago, after 16 long years of BC Liberal rule, we swore in a BC NDP government, with John Horgan as Premier.
A lot can happen in seven years — and a lot has happened. We’ve faced big challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, global inflation, and climate-related fires, floods and drought.
These challenges aren’t unique to BC. But the way we’ve responded to them is.
We’ve showed Canada, and the world, that there’s a different way to do things: to bring people together to solve problems, and to take on powerful interests when we have to. Because in tough times, people need a government that is on their side, acting to make things easier.
Taking action on housing with world-leading legislation
Neither John Rustad nor Kevin Falcon acted on housing when they were in government. David Eby and the BC NDP chose differently, with a Speculation Tax that turned 20,000 empty condos into new homes, a crackdown on AirBNBs which delivered thousands more — and world-leading legislation reducing housing red tape, building 300,000 new homes that middle-class people can actually afford.
Putting money back in your pocket
We know that life is costing more than ever. So we’re putting money back in your pocket. We eliminated MSP premiums, reduced ICBC rates by $500 per year, and made contraception free.
Cutting the cost of childcare in half
New children bring many new expenses - diapers, bottles, food, toys and furniture. But the most expensive by far is childcare, which can cost many thousands of dollars per month. This puts intense strain on families’ pocketbooks, and can sometimes even keep women from going back to work, widening the gender pay gap and costing our economy.
Over the last seven years, the average cost of childcare has dropped from $50 a day to $18 a day, and there's more to do.
CleanBC: North America’s most ambitious climate plan
Climate change threatens our future. We’re already seeing the effects, from floods to fires to smoky summers. Our climate plan, CleanBC, sets out a roadmap to lower our climate-changing emissions by 40% by 2030. We are living through an emergency, and we must act, to leave a livable future for our children and grandchildren.
We know there’s a lot that still needs to be done — and we're ready. But there's so much at risk in this election to all the progress we've made together.
John Rustad and the BC Conservative Party have said they’d repeal all our housing progress. They'd end our crackdown on AirBNBs, bringing back red tape, and sending housing costs through the roof. They'd rip up our climate plan and give oil and gas everything they want — because John Rustad doesn’t think climate change is real. With him, you’d pay more, and get less.
We can’t afford the risk.
Because the future feels uncertain in a lot of ways. We feel it, too. It’s in times like these that we need leadership that is in it for us, focused on making life better.
And we know that David Eby and the BC NDP are on our side.