Taking action and tackling problems: Watch Premier David Eby's new ads

This Saturday, February 25 marks 100 days since David Eby was sworn in as BC's 37th Premier.

In celebration of that milestone, we're launching new videos to help British Columbians get to know David a little better — and we'd love to share two of them with you today.

Here's our first video.

It focuses on the action David and our government are taking for people on issues that matter — and how different that is from how Kevin Falcon wants to do things.

The second video is a little different.

It's a look at the way we British Columbians start our day — and how shared values drive the work David and our government do for people.

Over the last 100 days, Premier David Eby and his team have taken a lot of action for people.

They have:

  • Implemented new ways to help out British Columbians with the rising cost of living with a $100 credit on energy bills, freezing ICBC basic rates until 2025 and introducing a new affordability credit that gives as much as $410 per family back to 85% of British Columbians
  • Reduced childcare costs again, by as much as $550 a month per child
  • Introduced new community safety measures to keep violent offenders off the streets and tackle root causes of poverty and crime
  • Brought in new legislation to increase housing supply across BC and put an end to rental restrictions leaving thousands of units empty
  • Reduced barriers for out-of-province doctors and nurses to work in BC helping families here get the healthcare they need, announced a new medical school at SFU, and made a deal with the federal government to increase health transfers to British Columbia
  • Introduced a new fund for BC’s manufacturing workers to connect them to new opportunities, especially important for workers in our forestry sector
  • Created a billion dollar fund to help local municipalities improve roads and infrastructure, and improve recreation options for families.
  • Supported local festivals and events with one-time grants to help them recover from the pandemic

And this is just the beginning of the work ahead.

Premier David Eby and a young dad help a girl on a playground slide

For 16 years the BC Liberals slashed services and hiked rates for things like ICBC.

David is taking a different approach and doing what it takes to make life better for everyone in BC. These ads help us tell that story.

If you'd like to help, too, please share this blog post and the videos on your social networks!