BC NDP nominates Michele Babchuk in North Island to advocate for you and your family

Michele Babchuk pledged to take action on improving affordability, education and health care for the people of the North Island as she was nominated the BC NDP candidate in the riding for the fall election.

Michele Babchuk has called the beautiful North Island home for more than 20 years, and was first elected as MLA in 2020. A former councillor for the City of Campbell River, chair of the Strathcona Regional District Board and school Board member, she has been a strong advocate for improving education, resource opportunities, and internet connectivity for the North Island.

“David Eby and our BC NDP team is on your side, improving education, health care and creating new job opportunities here on the North Island, and more needs to be done,” said Babchuk. “We can’t afford the costs John Rustad’s Conservative Party would make higher like car insurance and fees for service or the reckless cuts they’d make to hospitals and schools. I’m committed to working for you and your family so all of us can build a good life here.”

Since forming government in July 2017, the BC NDP has taken action on crucial issues that matter to the people of North Island, including:

  • Strengthening healthcare by creating more beds and services locally and hiring 700 more doctors and licensing internationally trained health professionals to work across BC;
  • Tackling housing costs by taking on speculators, updating zoning rules to allow for more townhouses, duplexes and triplexes, and building more homes and shelter spaces;
  • Expanding $10 day care, reducing fees for families and adding hundreds of new childcare spaces; and
  • Introducing CleanBC Canada’s first comprehensive plan to tackle climate change by limiting carbon emissions.

“Michelle is an effective and passionate voice for the people of the North Island,” said Premier David Eby. “She’s committed to working to ensure people here have the housing, health care, education, and good jobs and opportunities they need to build a good life.”

Babchuk will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.