Vancouver-Langara, meet your advocate: Sunita Dhir nominated by BC NDP to take action on what matters to people

At today’s nomination meeting, Sunita Dhir was selected as the BC NDP candidate for Vancouver-Langara, with a commitment to take on powerful interests while staying firmly on the side of good services and lower costs for people here.

For the last 32 years, Sunita Dhir has been an integral part of the south Vancouver and Marpole communities. With nearly two decades of service at SUCCESS, a non-profit organization that supports newcomers on their settlement journey, Sunita has helped hundreds of people learn english and connect to their new communities here in BC. She strongly supports workers’ rights in British Columbia and champions fair and equitable treatment for all.

“People in our community work hard to build a future for themselves and their families, but for too long Conservative politicians like John Rustad and Kevin Falcon made choices that worked only for people at the top, leaving everyone else behind,” said Dhir. “David Eby’s BC NDP team is taking a different approach. We’re building an economy that works for everyone, not just powerful interests, so we can all build a life here.”

Since forming government in July 2017, the BC NDP has taken action on crucial issues that matter to the people of Vancouver-Langara, including:

  • Strengthening healthcare by building and expanding hospitals in Surrey, Burnaby, Vancouver and Richmond;
  • Hiring new doctors and nurses, plus licensing internationally-trained health professionals to work in BC;
  • Tackling housing costs by taking on speculators, updating zoning rules to allow for more townhouses, duplexes and triplexes, and making it easier for cities to build more homes near transit; and
  • Helping people with costs by eliminating MSP Premiums, reducing ICBC rates by $500 a year, boosting the BC Family Benefit by $445, cutting childcare fees in half, and making birth control free.

“Sunita has deep roots in Vancouver-Langara and has helped thousands of newcomers build a good life here for their families,” said Premier David Eby. “She’s in it to make things better for people, and she will work hard everyday to deliver affordable housing and high quality education, healthcare, and services for you.”

Sunita Dhir will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.